Double Glazing Blogger explains why he thinks Prefix is a company to watch this year...
"These guys personify the word “diversification” like few others can. In the past few years they have become way more than just a conservatory roof fabricator. I can’t list all their product offerings on here, it’s far too long. But if you head on over to their Downloads page on their website it will give you an ideas as to the scale of their product portfolio.
So why are they on this list? Well, when any business goes through rapid evolution and expansion as Prefix did, it takes some time before everything becomes truly polished, efficient and running smoothly. I believe that time has now come for Prefix, which means they’re just about in prime spot to put the hammer down and make some serious waves.
Their marketing is a good example of this. They have steadily been revamping all of their brochures and guides so that they all fit within the same branding. They have made great strides on the aluminium front, creating an extensive new brand and brochure for the product line, which I can personally say is right on the money. This is important of course due to aluminium being such a strong growth area in general.
I also know they have at least one or two new products coming out this year which will again shake things up in some key battle grounds within the industry this year. I can’t say much more than that at this stage. Keep an eye on these this year."
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